25 Jul Best 5 New Released HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugins
We’ve found some newly released HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugins that deserve our attention and appreciation. They are remarkable by their originality, utility and also by fitting perfectly into any website, without customizing anything. However for the most demanding web developers, it’s important to know that these audio players abound in customization parameters.
1. Apollo – Sticky HTML5 Full Width Audio Player
With an original and an audacious look & fill, with cool animations and tones of parameters for customization we present you Apollo, a Full Width HTML5 Audio Player WordPress plugin.
It supports .mp3 and .ogg audio files
What’s so special about this HTML5 Audio Player?
Sticky & Standard Versions
You can set the player to be sticky for a page or for the entire website. You can also disable sticky feature and just insert it in the content of a page or post.
Responsive Design
The audio player can be used in websites which are responsive. It is a full width player and it will cover the parent div width.
Highly Customizable
You can choose from the 2 skins available: back & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme.
Continuous Playback
When you’ll change the page, the player will continue from it was in the previous page. This will ensure a smooth playback across your entire website.
Player In Popup Window
You have a button which will open the player in a popup window. This feature is also a way to listen to the music, without interruptions, while navigating the website menu.
Vinyl Record Animation Or Artist Image
You can either show the vinyl record animation or the artist image.
The playlist items can be structured in categories. An audio file can belong to multiple categories.
Playlist Search
You have the option to search the playlist. It will search the title and author and the results will be displayed as you type the search term.
Show/Hide Playlist
Button to show or hide the playlist. Parameters to show the playlist from the beginning.
You can share your HTML5 audio player on Facebook and Twitter.
Download Option
Available button to download (on desktop) the current playing file. You have the option to hide the download button.
Buy Button
You can define a link to the buy song page. Parameters to open the link in the same window or a new window and parameter to change the button title.
Read Folder
Option to automatically generate the player playlist code from a folder which contains the MP3 files.
Lyrics Button
You can define a link to the lyrics song page. Parameters to open the link in the same window or a new window and parameter to change the button title.
Multiple parameters
Autoplay, loop, shuffle, rewind, volume control, minimize etc.
Google Analytics
Option to activate Google Analytics tracking. You’ll be able to see how many times each audio file was played.
Multiple Instances
You can insert multiple audio players on your website or on the same page
Free Updates
Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.
2. WordPress Audio Players Plugin with Layout Builder
The best Audio Players pack for WordPress with layout builder. Choose from 15 different customisable Audio Player designs we created just for your needs. This pack is truly awesome and unique in its design and usability.
Audio Players Features
- Fully WordPress Compatible
- 15 Audio Players to choose from
- Fully Responsive
- Special Colors
- Editable Fields
- MP3 Audio Player
- Custom Hover Effects
- CSS3
- Multiple Audio Players in one page
- and many others features
3. Modern Audio Player WP Plugin
Modern Audio Player WordPress plugin is a powerful audio player for your website with lots of adjustable features. It support self hosted audio files and some other external music services like Soundcloud, Podcasts, Google Drive Storage etc…
YouTUBE Video Tutorials
01. WordPress installation
02. Creating playlists
03. Creating players
Features and options for Modern Audio Player WordPress Plugin:
- Easy style with basic css
- Font Awesome icons
- Media session
- mp3 and wav audio format support
- Support for media from Google Drive, Amazon S3..
- Support for Shoutcast servers that have mp3 streaming
- Mix different media types in the same playlist
- Play music continously across web pages:
- by remembering playback position
- with option to open player is a separate popup window
- HTML5 song download
- Social sharing (facebook, twitter, tumblr, google plus etc…)
- API methods to interact with the player on runtime
- Event callbacks during player execution
4. zAudio for WordPress – HTML5 JavaScript Audio Player
zAudio is an easy to use, smple and modern JavaScript Audio Player based on the HTML’5 audio element. It is made using just pure HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript. no dependencies or third party frameworks or libraries.
Great features of zAudio html5 audio player:
- Compatible with Mobile and Desktop browsers
- Mini-Player mode
- Responsive Layout
- Playlist support
- Streaming media support
- Option to change the player’s primary color
- Shuffle option for the playlist mode to randomly play tracks
- Autoplay option
5. HTML5 Radio Players WordPress Plugins Bundle
This Bundle contains 3 Radio Players WordPress Plugins with ShoutCast & IceCast support.
Hero – Shoutcast Icecast Radio Player With History
HERO is the ultimate Shoutcast Icecast Radio Player WordPress Plugin with history support. You have at your disposal over 30 js options from where to customize the radio player, including: width, autoplay, colors and other parameters.
Radio Player WordPress Plugin – Shoutcast & Icecast
The Radio Player WordPress plugin supports Shoutcast and Icecast radio streaming and has over 70 parameters for customizing. It is equipped with playlist, categories and search and uses Last.FM API to display the photo of the current playing singer.
Sticky Radio Player WP Plugin
Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin supports Shoutcast and Icecast radio streaming. The player uses Last.FM API to display the photo of the current playing singer. In addition you have over 70 parameters from where you can customize your player. Therefore it includes: autoplay, initial volume, playlist, categories and color parameters.
P.S. 2 – What about Image or Video Background CountDown WordPress Plugin – You can use it as CountDown for: websites under construction, last minute offers, coming events, launching a new product, discounts interval… and much more.
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